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The Krutyń-Nowy Most route is 19.5 km long and you need 6 hours to complete it.

The first section of the route, the Krutyń-Ukta section, is a typical river one. In half of this section Krutynia is no more than 0.5 m deep. You also need to carry your kayak by the mill in Zielony Lasek. If you’re willing to pay a small amount of money, there are people waiting on the bank who can do it for you. Rosocha is the next place on the route and you can have a delicious and home-cooked meal there. You go by Wojnowo and reach Ukta.

Once you leave Ukta behind, the Krutynia River changes. The riverbed narrows slightly, and often gets even more narrow due to fallen trees. There are alders, aspens, rowans and birches growing on the banks. This is really important during a hot summer as the trees create a tunnel over your heads to protect you from the heat. The Masuria region offers alamedas not only on the roads.

Having passed Ukta, you go along the ruins of a railway bridge destroyed during World War II, and then on the right bank there’s PTTK Ukta. On the left one you’ll see the last lonely farm which means you enter the “Dolna Krutynia” reserve. The river meanders strongly there and is 30 meter wide and 2–7 metre deep.

The trees grow further from the banks. On the banks they’re replaced by dense water vegetation and you should look for rare species, such as: orchids, sundews, lilies and pasqueflowers. You can also see many rare species of birds: white-tailed eagle, osprey, common crane, eagle owl, kingfisher, corncrake. Though the river is deep, the water is clear so you can observe underwater fauna and flora.

The bends are numerous, though quite wide, and guide you to the village of Nowy Most. The trip ends behind the bridge on the right bank. In the Nowy Most river hostel you can have a meal.

Having reached Nowy Most, you’ll be taken back to Krutyń to the As-Tour parking lot.


Price 120 zł/kayak, 150 zł/canoe

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